You will notice in our store a few color and product positioning changes. In most cases, prices for the combination are very similar to what they were before, in some cases they are a little more or a little less.
This was done, really to reduce meet more users desires with fewer fabrics, reduce waste , and keep prices as low as we can, while being able to track items sold and plan a bit better.
I'm being real honest here, some of the old system was not working for us. For instance, talon colors which were done through options in the purchase. It was impossible to tell what was selling the most, or to properly plan.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I imagine, there will be a few loose items on the site with respect to wording / etc.
You will also notice we are breaking out pack combinations, more based on the fabric and intended use.
As a quick note, in our opinion VX21 is a terrific fabric for most backpacking. However, it is not great for rock abrasion / talus / scree / canyon travel. Thus we added VX42 in Light Gray under Rugged Use. The suspension is the same, pack bags are still can be changed.
A couple other notes, we will no longer be offering Cuben on packs. It is a good lightweight fabric, but the weight difference is not that much, and I prefer the VX fabrics , even if they do not have the same "cool" factor as cuben. Cuben is a great lightweight fabric, but in our instance, it is not something we will be offering in pack bags.
X33 , is also something we have in a limited amount but will not be carrying anymore. We can build a few more packs, but it is costly. Once again it is a terrific fabric, but VX42 is better for the task.
Let me know if you have nay questions