by cloudyj » Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:52 pm
In summer, the packable solar chargers are OK in central Alberta but it takes a long time to get those batteries charged enough to work, even for a short time. Here in Alberta, in late August the sun is just not able to provide the energy to charge any camera or phone batteries using small solar chargers. We found, like Nathan C, that the ultimate lithium AAs are our best source of power. They have a few added advantages in that they are light, work at very low temperatures, and keep their voltage constant as they discharge. We use as many AA electronics as we can and take a couple of AA USB chargers with us up the mountain. The cords to charge phones and cameras do not add much weight to the pack. Two of our cameras take the same batteries so we take 6 charged spares of that type for a week long trip even in late November. Usually we only need to charge one or two times to get through the week. We use a Delorme IN Reach with the Iphones so the phones need charging more often. The only problem with this method is the cost of those UL batteries!